Where is Kava Most Popular?

Kava Culture
Also Check OutHow Long Has Kava Been Used For

Kava has made its way to the mainstream market. The Polynesian beverage is growing in popularity now in the United States with a growing demand. So where is it most popular? Within the United States, it is currently most popular in the state of Florida. The sunshine state is booming with kava bars popping up left and right.

Although Florida currently ranks at the top for most kava bars in the United States. Besides the US, kava really is the most popular in the South Pacific Ocean Islands where it is native. Hawaii, Fiji, and Vanuatu are some of the places where kava has been enjoyed for decades.

Polynesian culture is the basis for introducing kava to more of a mainstream demand in the US. Many people are catching the kava wave because of the beneficial effects it has on communities. We here at Kava-Bula have really embodied kava culture and the love of the earthy beverage. It helps us relax, focus, and even is great when surfing!

It is given that kava is most popular among South Pacific regions. Three reasons why this region is most popular for kava consumption are its proximity to the ocean, Polynesian culture, and its natural growth in the area. Let’s take a look at why the South Pacific loves kava and why it continues to be so popular among its people.

Reason #1: Proximity to the Ocean

Kava is best enjoyed near the ocean. It only makes sense. Most people don’t think about ordering hot chocolate when they are near the beach. A beverage that is cold, refreshing, and gives you a calming effect really pairs well with the ocean vibe. People travel far and wide to areas like Hawaii to escape the cold, honeymoon, or simply be by the ocean to unwind.

The ocean is actually known to be beneficial to us humans. It can calm your nerves, relieves stress, and makes you simply feel happier. That is why many people tend to vacation in coastal regions. It is apparent that when you are in this environment you can notice the locals aren’t as uptight compared to people living in the big city. When you are in this environment you really want to embody this vibe.

When traveling to places like Hawaii, Indonesia, or Fiji you can notice that there are kava bars near the beach towns. It is fairly common to find kava bars near the beach because they simply pair well together. What better way to enjoy the beach and take part in what the locals love and enjoy?

Kava makes you feel relaxed and euphoric so there is no better way to unwind at the beach than sipping on that shell of kava with some of the locals. I myself love having kava beachside. It only makes sense why Polynesians enjoyed this pairing for hundreds of years.

Reason #2: Polynesian Culture

Polynesian life was based on a creation story where the first humans were gifted kava as a means of knowledge. That is why kava is deeply integrated with its culture. Since this ideology is sacred to Polynesian culture, many people drink kava. Kava was a gift from the serpent god Dengei for his people and is enjoyed to this very day.

Consumed by both Polynesians and Hawaiians, kava gave an overall sense of well-being and relaxation. It is a tradition that is ceremonial. Kava ceremonies are held to honor royalty, welcome a guest, or to even settle an argument. Having an argument settled over kava is ingenious when you think about it since it relaxes you, especially if you are in a heated debate.

In Fiji, it is a traditional ceremony that pretty much every village partakes in and serves as a welcome for tourists. The ritual involves light-hearted laughter and smiles. Etiquette usually involves the host raising the bowl and saying “Bula” as a means for everyone to partake and drink. Now you are relaxed and feeling good and simply feel welcomed.

Kava culture in the US bases its roots on this tradition that has dated centuries ago. This culture is what we all have grown to love today and still holds its popularity among both locals and tourists of the region.

Reason #3: Kava’s Natural Growth in the Region

The kava root grows naturally in the South Pacific islands. That being said since kava root is native to the region and is a commodity to its islands, it only makes sense that it would be popular in the area. Kava root has been a long part of the South Pacific island’s culture and history.

If you look at some of the Polynesian Islands you will be sure to find kava cultivated among its villages and community. Since there is a growing demand, it is essentially it is easily a cash crop. Farmers can find an abundance of kava root in the region since the tropical area’s climate promotes year-round growth.

It usually takes the plant around 4 years minimum to grow before it can be harvested. Each plant yields around 50kg (110 lbs) of root. Seeing that it can be grown year-round, kava farmers in the South Pacific can really turn a profit. This especially correlates to the growing demand for kava in the United States.


Kava is a way of life in Polynesian culture. We have found the popularity of the plant correlates to proximity to the ocean, deeply rooted tradition, and fertile land. It easily makes it an everyday staple for those in the South Pacific islands as well as communities of different regions.

Kava culture is a beautiful way of life that has been adapted from countries around the world. From welcoming new faces to settling arguments kava continues to embrace a rich and wonderful traditional culture we all have come to love.

If you enjoyed this segment, be sure to subscribe and check out some of the other articles we here at Kava-Bula have to offer. Spread the word to your friends, colleagues, and family. Remember that kava is the gift of nature’s knowledge and what better way to embrace it and share that knowledge with those around you that love kava? Bula!


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